Проголосуйте за это произведение |
Профессор Национальной Астрономической Обсерватории, Директор Центра Общественных Связей, Япония
Тошио Фукушима
I'm sorry to not having responded quickly.
As a citizen of non-NATO nation, I fully have a doubt about this tragedy. One quick guess came up to my mind was the out-focusing of Clinton's Impeachment..Anyhow, I would like you (and other serbs there) to know that Japanese people think this war very stupid. One major newspaper of our country is daily reporting the under-war-life in your capital and some big cities. Judging from frank talks which the serbian citizens gave, I (and my friends, too) am convinced the idiotness.
Best Regards
-------------------------------------------------------------Toshio FUKUSHIMA,
Prof. Dr. National Astronomical Observatory
Director of Public Relation Center